Title: A Fool's Commentary On the Eight Verses Of Mind Training 愚者对《修心八颂》的注解 (In English and Chinese)
The ideas of this text can be found in The 37 Practices of the Bodhisattva, but the "Eight Verses" are apparently simple and easy to memorize. In this text, H.E. Garchen Rinpoche carefully explains the verses, showing how the depth of Mahayana thought enliven these instructions. This book tells practitioners how to empower their practice by following the instructions of Geshi Langri Tanpa (1054-1123).
If a person wants to know how to deal with difficult people and vexing situations, the Tibetan system of mind training is organized to produce two benefits. First the contemplations help the practitioner to purify the mind of "adventitious stains. Second, every relationship between any two people will improve when hate is met with love. Ultimately, the benefit to self and the benefit to others reinforce one another.
The "Eight Verses" point directly to the possibility of freedom within even the most heated and difficult moments.