Chenrezig – The Bodhisattva of Compassion
Chenrezig, also known as Avalokiteshvara, personifies the enlightened compassion of all Buddhas. Serving as the earthly manifestation of the celestial Buddha Amitabha, Chenrezig safeguards our world during the interim between the historical Buddha, Shakyamuni, and the future Buddha, Maitreya. Universally revered in all branches of Buddhism, Chenrezig holds a special place as the patron Bodhisattva of Tibet. His mantra, Om Mani Padme Hum, is widely recognized even in non-Buddhist regions.
Chenrezig courageously pledged to tirelessly work for the well-being of all living beings as long as any remain entangled in samsara. His wisdom, compassion, and enduring commitment are boundless, making him a focal point of veneration. Chenrezig is particularly esteemed for bestowing realizations and spiritual attainments upon those who engage in meditation focused on him.